Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Episode 9: Interview with Ms. Mac

I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did. Gina MacFarlane was such a delightful person to visit with. I wish I could have shared all the conversations we had, but this will have to do.

Episode 8

I have had this on iTunes for over a week, but haven't had time to actually post it on the blog. I hastily got it up on the web right before leaving for Sweden and Denmark. Now I am back, and between all the things I have to do, I am taking a break to get it up on the blog. Hope you enjoy.

Show notes:

Here is info about the Anglo Saxon Village I visited.
The tool my daughter used is called a Lucet
We got my daughter a French Knitting bee with a pom pom maker.
Next step for my daughter: knitting looms.

The scarf I made for my mom was taken from Stephanie Japel's class, "Knit Lab" on The wool I used was Noro Wool--Silk Garden.

The scarf I'm working on is called, "Kudo Waves Scarf," shown to me by one of my viewers and fellow ravelry friends, and is a free download on I also used Noro wool for that project.

I finished my fingerless gloves. I used the pattern in Ann Budd's "Book of Patterns." She also has an iPad app of the book, so if you have an iPad, check it out.

I love finishing my projects with the super stretchy bind-off. I tend to be a very tight knitter, and this bind-off is a big help. View the tutorial on YouTube by Cat Bordhi here. The proper title of this bind-off is Jeny's surprisingly stretchy bind-off.

The sock I tried to make was a Paton's pattern, Spiral Sock. I don't think I'll attempt it again, though.

I mentioned Cat Bordhi's sock book, "New Pathways for Sock Knitters," but failed to mention a reason why I actually liked this book. She has a baby size version of the actual sock, so you can practice the techniques before spending so much time making an adult-size sock. I will try some of her patterns again.