Thursday, August 30, 2012

Episode 14: Wear it! Don't Eat It!

Don't forget about the KnitAlong that will begin September 1-30.  See last episode's show notes for details.

I'm almost finished with the Independence Day Pillow (Which should have been finished last month!)
See for more details.

The shawl I am working on is the Annis Shawl, which introduces me to two new skills--short rows, and Nupps.  I had a little bit of trouble with the Nupp stitch until I found the tutorial on how to do a Nupp with a *gasp* crochet hook.  Much easier now.

In this episode I feature a clip that I recorded at the Mid-Ohio Fiber Fair of Paul from corny  He explains all about this interesting new fiber made of corn.  

Have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend and see you next time!

My daughter, decorating the alpaca mittens

Click on image to enlarge
Happy Knitting!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Episode 13: Knit-Alongs (KAL)

Here are today's notes:

Knitalong, by Larissa Brown and Martin John Brown.
The pattern I made is called Meathead hat

Donna Druchunas' class: Knit Shop Workshop

Knitalong project, Independence Pillow,  with
Michelle has great video tutorials for button holes, mattress seam, and invisible horizontal seams.

Wannabe Knitter KAL --Skill builder dishcloth
In September we will have a knitalong, and this KAL is specifically to build knitting skills.  The challenge here is to choose a skill you wish to improve (ie. purling, lace, cables, color work, etc. . .).  Cotton or a cotton/bamboo mix is the best type of yarn to use for this project, and is fairly inexpensive.

Knit a square using the skill of your choice, and then post a picture and an explanation of what skill it was you worked on.  At the end of September, I will do a random-number drawing and give a prize to one person who finished the challenge.    To be eligible to win, a picture of your finished project must be posted.

That's it!

TINK= "knit" spelled backwards.  when you have to undo a small section of knitted stitches, it's called a "TINK."

I visited the warehouse for

Twisted Sister yarn, colorways Zazu "Blue Curacao"

Tofutsies yarn is made from chitin (shrimp and crabshells).  It is supposed to be antibacterial, and great for making socks.  Warning:  DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO SHELLFISH!!

Free classes on

Know your Wool
Short Rows

They also have free classes on Modern Buttercream, Sewing Machine 911, and Craftsy block of the month (quilting).

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The calming effects of knitting

I just wanted to say that sometimes I get feelings of anxiety and overwhelm because of all the demands in my life.  Today was one of those days.  It's been building up all week.  All this unpacking and organizing is overwhelming for me.  I finally got out a hank of purple yarn in my yarn stash, set up my swift on the kitchen table, and proceeded to roll up the hank of yarn.  My daughter helped me. I then sat down and started making a gauge swatch.  This particular yarn, hand dyed from Chile, is perfect for making socks.  I'm still determined to make myself a pair. By the time I finished the swatch it was way past midnight, but I felt a lot calmer.  I am amazed at how calming knitting can be.  It helps me keep my mind off the daily stresses of life and feeds my inner desire to create.